Phonevite Calls
- How can I check who received my Phonevite calls and who didn’t?
- Can I call the Phonevite To Go number from any phone?
- Can I resend a Phonevite?
- How do I hear the Message-Back recordings from the call recipients?
- Can I make my Phonevite Caller ID anonymous?
- What is the RSVP option?
- Does Phonevite maintain Do Not Call lists?
- Can I cancel a Phonevite that has been Scheduled or that is In Progress?
- How do I cancel a Phonevite?
- When is it appropriate to use Phonevite?
- Can I reassign Phonevite To Go numbers?
- How accurately on time will scheduled calls be placed?
- I have phone numbers listed in my phone book more than once. Will they receive multiple calls when I send a phonevite?
- How do I schedule a Phonevite for later delivery?
- Does Phonevite deliver the messages at exactly the scheduled time?
- How far ahead can I schedule a Phonevite?
- Can I schedule Phonevite To Go calls?
- What is the Message-Back Option and how does it work?
- What happens if there are duplicate phone numbers?
- Can I send a message to a combination of Phone Groups and manually added numbers?