What is a Phonevite Verified Caller ID and how do I set it up?

The Phonevite Verified Caller ID is the phone number that has been verified as belonging to you. It is also the phone number, that when selected when sending a Phonevite, will show up on the Caller ID screen of the phone receiving your Phonevite call.

In addition, the Verified Caller ID is used to authenticate you when you use our Phonevite To Go service, to send Phonevite messages while on the go, with a simple call, and when you use our Call In Recorder.

You can have up to 10 Verified Caller IDs and, for your security, each number has to be reverified at least once a year.

Here's how to set your number as a Verified Caller ID. First, login to your Phonevite account.

  • Then, go to your "My Caller ID" page by clicking on the "person icon" on the top right corner of the page.
  • Click on "Add Caller ID".

  • Enter the number you want to verify and then click on "Call Now". Be ready to answer the phone at the number you want verified.
  • After you answer the call from the Phonevite system, at the prompt, enter the four digit verification code that appears on the screen. Once verified and confirmed, the call will end and the verified number will be added to your Verified Caller ID list.
  • If you want to set this Verified Caller ID as the Primary Caller ID, go to your "My Caller ID" page and click the number to set as your primary caller ID.